A. Huh7 cells expressing ADH1B or control vector were treated with DMSO(viechle) or ROL(1μM) for 16 hours. Extracts were subjected to RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated RA-inducible gens. B. Huh7 cells were co-transfected with the indicated expression vectors, a firefly luciferase reporter regulated by RARE-DR5, and a renilla luciferase vector. 24 hours after transfection, cells were treated with ROL(1μM), ATRA(0.1μM), or DMSO for 36 hours followed by dual luciferase assay. C–D. Extracted RNA from Huh7 cells stably expressing ADH1B or control vector(C) or primary human hepatocytes(PHH)(D) were subjected to RT-qPCR array of RA-regulated genes. The heat map represents the relative abundance of the indicated genes. Cells were treated with either ROL(1μM)(C), ATRA(0.1μM)(D), or DMSO(control) for 16 hours prior to RNA extraction. *p<0.01