Figure 6.
Overexpression of Per1 inhibits tumor growth in xenograft model. [A] There was a significant inhibition in tumor growth in nude mice injected with Per1 overexpressing cells. Three representative tumors from both the EV and Per1 OE group and a summary graph of data time points are shown. Data are mean ± SEM of tumor size evaluations from 8 mice per each group of animals. *p<0.05 vs. the corresponding values of tumor volume in the EV group. [B] Overexpression of Per1, decreased proliferation (by PCNA), inhibition of angiogenesis factors (VEGF-A, NGF), EMT-related genes (TIMPs and MMPs) and a metastasis markers (S100A4) are shown by q-PCR in tumor tissue of the Per1 OE group. Data are mean ± SEM for 3 different tissue samples. [C] Decreased PCNA, fibronectin and VEGF expression are shown by IHC in the Per1 OE group. Original magnification: 20X.