Fig. 5.
Knockout of the ETB receptor signal reduces the activation of skin-derived fibroblasts in response to BLM. a EDNRA and b EDNRB mRNA levels in skin-derived fibroblasts from WT and ETBKO mice (n = 5 each). c-e BLM-induced fibroblast activation in WT and ETBKO mice (n = 6–9 each), determined by the gene expression levels of Col1α1, αSMA, and ET-1. Values show the mean mRNA levels relative to WT without stimulation (* p < 0.05). f Soluble collagen production from WT and ETBKO (n = 4 each) fibroblasts with or without BLM treatment (* p < 0.05). WT wild-type, αSMA α-smooth muscle actin, BLM bleomycin, Col1α1 collagen 1α1, ET-1 endothelin-1, ET B KO endothelin type B receptor knockout, PBS phosphate-buffered saline