Fig. 1.
Routes of SL transport based on pPDR1::GUS activity and GFP-PDR1 detection. Dashed red arrows represent possible SL routes based on SL detection in the xylem sap of tomato (Kohlen et al. 2012). a pPDR1::GUS is expressed in the root tip but absent from lateral root cap (LRC) and epidermis (EPI, unpublished data). PDR1 protein is apically localized in the hypodermal cells (HYPO). b After GR24 treatment, PDR1 protein is also present in the deeper cortex layers (CX) of the root tip, but not visible in the endodermis or stele (ENDO and ST). c Above the root tip, pPDR1::GUS is present in hypodermal passage cells (HPCs). In HPCs, PDR1 is outer-laterally localized. PDR1 protein levels are boosted in HPC by GR24 treatments (b). d pPDR1::GUS is expressed in cells subtending the shoot lateral axils, close but excluded from the dormant lateral bud (LB)