Table 2. Summary of the peaks shown in Fig. 12 and the reduced muropeptides in HPLC fractions obtained from E. coli D456 peptidoglycan treated with either Bd0468 or Bd3279 detected by LTQ-FT MS1.
Peak Number | Proposed Structure(s)1 | Theoretical neutral mass (Da) | Measured neutral mass (Da) |
1 | Tetra | 941.4077 | 941.4071 |
2 | TetraTetra | 1864.8049 | 1864.8018 |
3 | TetraTetra[deAc]‡ | 1822.7943 | 1822.7932 |
4 | TetraTetra[deAc]‡ | 1822.7943 | 1822.7902 |
+ TetraTetra[2x deAc] | 1780.7837 | 1780.7846 | |
5 | TetraTetra[deAc]‡ | 1822.7943 | 1822.7944 |
6 | TetraTetra[deAc]‡ | 1822.7943 | 1822.7914 |
Names of muropeptides are according to Glauner21 Modifications: [deAc], deacetylation of GlcNAc; ‡ position of the deacetylated GlcNAc residue is not known.