Demonstration of NVU on both 3T task-based sensorimotor activation map and 7T BOLD resting-state ICA-derived sensorimotor component map in Patient No. 1 with a right perirolandic low-grade oligoastrocytoma (grade II). The 3T tongue motor task fMRI (first row) and 7T rsfMRI (third row) maps were overlaid on T2 FLAIR images with IL ROI and CL ROI shown in white contours with suprathreshold voxels displayed in red. The second and fourth rows demonstrate the Z-score spectra of voxels within IL and CL ROIs in the 3T motor fMRI task and 7T rsfMRI maps, respectively. BOLD, blood oxygen level-dependent; CL, contralesional; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; ICA, independent component analysis; IL, ipsilesional; NVU, neurovascular uncoupling; ROI, region of interest; rsfMRI, resting-state fMRI.