Figure 6.
Representative hybrid LTNs. (A) The schematic illustration and TEM image of a Au-Cu9S5 core-shell LTN. This core-shelled LTN showed an improved photothermal conversion efficiency compared with the mixture of Au nanoparticles and Cu9S5 nanoparticles at the same concentrations. Adapted with permission from 184 (B) Schematic illustration of Au nanorod plasmonic vesicles loaded with rGO and Dox (rGO-AuNRVe-DOX). rGO-AuNRVe-DOX showed improved photothermal conversion efficiency, and the release of Dox from the vesicles could be accelerated by lowering the pH, with laser irradiation, or a combination of the two. Adapted with permission from 138. (C) Schematic illustration of IR825-loaded and Gd3+-Ce6-conjugated micelles with two therapeutic modalities (PDT and PTT). Treating the tumor sequentially with PTT and PDT was the most effective method for inducing the apoptosis of cancer cells, as evidenced by TUNEL staining. Adapted with permission from 186.