Figure 3. Effect of unilateral hindlimb immobilization and remobilization on TNNT3 alternative splicing patterns.
The effect of 7d of remobilization following 7 d of immobilization on the total relative abundance of (A) TNNT3α and (B) TNNT3β splice form abundance was assessed as described under “Methods”. The relative abundance of (C) TNNT3α3, (D) TNT3β8, (E) TNNT3α1, and (F) TNT3β5 are also shown. Grey bars, non-immobilized hindlimb; black bars, immobilized hindlimb; open bars, remobilized hindlimb. Statistical significance (p<0.05) was determined by Student’s t-test. n=5–6 per group. * compared to the contralateral non-immobilized limb, paired test; # compared to the immobilized limb of the ‘Immobilization’ group, unpaired test.