Figure 2.
HP [1-13C]pyruvate metabolism of renal tissue slices. Schematic illustrating the metabolism of HP [1-13C]pyruvate to [1-13C] lactate and [1-13C] alanine, catalyzed by LDH and alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), respectively (A). 13C pyruvate is transported intracellularly via MCT1, and 13C lactate is exported out of the cells via MCT4. Representative hyperpolarized 13C spectrum of grade 2 ccRCC tissue slices (B). Inset shows the lactate kinetics over 5 minutes. Bar graphs of normalized HP [1-13C] lactate and [1-13C] alanine to the injected pyruvate in the tissue slices (C). Benign renal tumors and ccRCCs show 2.7- and 1.7-fold higher HP 13C lactate levels, consistent with increased aerobic glycolysis compared with normal renal parenchymal tissues. The observed 13C lactate level is 59% lower in ccRCCs than in benign renal tumors. White bars indicate normal renal tissue, gray bars indicate benign renal tumors, and black bars indicate ccRCC, with standard deviation error bars.