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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 May 23.
Published in final edited form as: Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Feb;90(2):285–295. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2008.08.214

Table 2.

Description of the Impairment Measures Used in the Study, the Technique Used, and the Intertester Reliability for the Measures

Measure Technique Intertester
Measured using an Isokinetic dynamometera. The subject was
seated with the tested knee flexed to 75°. The subject was
instructed to exert as much force as possible using an isometric
contraction while extending the knee against the force-sensing
arm of the dynamometer. The contraction was repeated for 4
trials, and the trial with the maximum torque was recorded.
ICC above 0.80
in 2
studies.84 and 85
Hip abduction
Measured with a hand-held dynamometerb with the subject side-
lying with the tested hip positioned superior in relationship to the
nontested hip.63 The subject exerted an isometric contraction of
the hip abductors against the resistance of the dynamometer
positioned proximal to the lateral malleolus. The average force of
2 trials with 1 minute of rest between trials was recorded.
Hip external
Measured with the hand-held dynamometer. Subject was lying
prone with the tested knee flexed to 90° and the hip in neutral
rotation. Subject exerted an isometric contraction of the hip
external rotators against the resistance of the dynamometer
positioned just proximal to the medial malleolus. The average
force of 2 trials with 1 minute of rest between trials was
Determined using the straight leg raise test with the subject lying
supine.64 The lower extremity was passively lifted to the firm end
feel. Angle of the straight leg raise test was measured with a
gravity goniometerc placed over the distal tibia. The average
measurement of 2 trials with 5-second pause between trials was
femoris length
Determined by measuring passive knee flexion using the gravity
goniometer placed over the distal tibia with the
subject in the prone position. The average measurement of 2 trials with 5-
second pause between trials was recorded.
Plantar flexors
Measured with a standard goniometer with the subject in prone.
We measured the amount of ankle joint dorsiflexion with the
knee extended and again with the knee flexed at 90°. Ankle
dorsiflexion measured with the knee extended was used to
account for the influence of gastrocnemius tightness.
Measurement of ankle dorsiflexion with the knee bent was used
to detect tightness of joint capsule or soleus muscle. The average
measurement of 2 trials with 5-second pause between trials was
With knee

With knee bent ICC=0.86.13
Determined by using the Ober test.63 A gravity goniometer was
placed over the distal portion of the ITB/TFL complex to record
the result of the test as a continuous variable. The gravity
goniometer was zeroed on a horizontal surface prior to the
measurement. Negative values represented more tightness,
whereas positive values (below horizontal) represented less
tightness. The average measurement of 2 trials with 5-second
pause between trials was recorded.
Assessed with the patellar tilt test.72 The examiner attempted to
lift the lateral edge of the patella from the lateral femoral condyle
with the subject in supine and the knee in full extension. The
inability to lift the lateral boarder of the patella above the
horizontal plane indicates a positive test for tightness. Lateral
retinacular length was recorded as tight or normal.
Foot pronation Measured by the navicular drop test as the difference in
millimeters between height of the navicular at subtalar joint
neutral position and that of the relaxed stance position.86 and 87
Q-angle Measured with a standard goniometer as the angle formed by the
intersection of a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the
center of patella with a line from the center of the patella to the
tibial tubercle76 with the knee in full extension.
Tibial torsion Measured with the subject prone on a low table, and with the
tested knee bent at 90°. The examiner measured the angle formed
by the axis of the knee (imaginary line from the medial to lateral
femoral epicondyle) and an imaginary line through the
malleoli.88 and 89
Measured with the Craig test with the participant in prone with
the knee flexed to 90°.64 The degree of anteversion was
estimated based on the angle of the lower leg with the vertical
when the most prominent portion of the greater trochanter
reaches the most lateral position or the horizontal plane.
Quality of
Measured by visual observation during the lateral step-down test.
The subject stood on a 20-cm-high step. The tester kneeled 1m in
front of the subject and observed the task. The subject bent the
tested knee until the contralateral leg gently contacted the floor
and then re-extended the knee to the start position for 5
repetitions. The tester scored the movement according with the
use of arm strategy (if subject used an arm strategy in an attempt
to recover balance, 1 point was added), trunk movement (if the
trunk leaned to any side, 1 point was added), plane of pelvis (if
pelvis rotated or elevated one side compared with the other, 1
point was added), medial deviation of the knee (if the knee
deviated medially and the tibial tuberosity crossed an imaginary
vertical line over the second toe, 1 point was added, or, if the
knee deviated medially and the tibial tuberosity crossed an
imaginary vertical line over the medial border of the foot, 2
points were added), and steadiness of unilateral stance (if the
subject stepped down on the nontested side, or if the subject
wavered from side to side on the tested side, 1 point was added).
Total score of 0 or 1 was classified as good quality of movement,
score of 2 or 3 as medium quality, and score of 4 or above as
poor quality of movement.

Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; κ, Kappa.