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. 2016 May 24;7:697. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00697

Table 1.

General features of the streptophyte green algal chloroplast genomes compared in this study.

Taxon Accession no.a Size (bp)
G+C (%) Genes
Introns (no.)
Repeatsb (%)
Total IR LSC SSC No.c % genomed Group I Group IIe
   Mesostigma viride NIES 296 NC_002186 118,360 6,057 83,627 22,619 30.1 137 73.2 0.2
   Chlorokybus atmophyticus SAG 48.80 NC_008822 152,254 7,640 109,098 27,876 38.2 138 58.8 1 0.5
   Klebsormidium sp. SAG 51.86f KU646497 >130,962g 40.6 112 67.7 12 (2) 0
   Klebsormidium flaccidum SAG 121.8 NC_024167 176,832 51,118 72,779 1,817 42.0 114 76.3 12 (2) 0.2
   Entransia fimbriata UTEX LB 2353 KU646490 206,025 60,590 75,629 9,216 33.0 118 64.4 1 10 (1) 0.4
   Chara vulgaris NC_008097 184,933 10,919 135,815 27,280 26.2 127 60.9 2 16 (1) 1.6
   Chaetosphaeridium globosum M1311 NC_004115 131,183 12,431 88,682 17,639 29.6 125 76.9 1 17 (1) 0.7
   Coleochaete scutata SAG 110.80M KU646493 107,236 27.6 117 79.9 1 14 (0) 0.6
   Mesotaenium endlicherianum SAG 12.97 NC_024169 142,017 42.2 124 68.4 1 16 (1) 0.6
   Zygnema circumcarinatum SAG 698-1a NC_008117 165,372 31.1 125 57.8 1 12 (1) 1.2
   Cylindrocystis brebissonii SAG 615-1 KU646495 136,938 29.8 122 63.8 1 9 (1) 1.5
   Spirogyra maxima UTEX LB 2495 KU646489 129,954 30.1 124 73.3 1 16 (1) 1.0
   Netrium digitus UTEX LB 561 KU646491 131,804 31.4 125 74.5 1 13 (1) 0.5
   Roya anglica ACOI 799 NC_024168 138,275 12,568 92,926 20,213 33.1 122 69.7 1 9 (1) 0.1
   Roya obtusa SAG 168.80 KU646496 138,272 12,568 92,924 20,212 33.1 122 69.9 1 9 (1) 0.1
   Closterium baillyanum SAG 50.89 KU646494 201,341 26,784 120,746 27,027 39.3 124 53.1 4 15 (1) 4.9
   Cosmarium botrytis UTEX 175 KU646492 207,850 24,465 132,863 26,057 39.8 122 47.9 1 6 (1) 6.0
   Staurastrum punctulatum SAG 679-1 NC_008116 157,089 32.5 122h 58.4 1 7 (1) 0.3

aThe asterisks denote the nine genomes described here for the first time. bNon-overlapping repeat elements were mapped on each genome with RepeatMasker using the repeats ≥ 30 bp identified with REPuter as input sequences. cOnly standard genes conserved in green plant chloroplast genomes are included in these values. Duplicated genes were counted only once. dThese values include the sequences of standard genes and ORFs coding for proteins of known functions. eThe first value provides the total number of group II introns; the number of trans-spliced introns is given in parentheses. fThis species was formally called Microspora stagnorum (Mikhailyuk et al., 2008). gThe exact size of the Klebsormidium sp. SAG 51.86 genome could not be determined because the IR/SSC junction was not identified. The features of this genome were estimated from the partial sequence. hThis value includes the trnS(cga) pseudogene found in the Staurastrum genome (Turmel et al., 2005).