Fig. 1.
Features of R. rhodochrous RPK1. (a) Degradation of rubber pieces by R. rhodochrous RPK1 after 0 and 30 days of incubation in shaking flasks with mineral salts medium at 30 °C; (b) formation of red-coloured colonies of R. rhodochrous RPK1 during growth on NB agar; (c) morphology of stationary R. rhodochrous RPK1 cells in bright field microscopy, note almost coccoid cells; (d) R. rhodochrous RPK1 cells during growth on NB medium supplemented with acetate (bright field and fluorescent image stained with Nile red). Note, star-like branched cells typical for R. Rhodochrous; (e) R. rhodochrous RPK1 cells during growth on NB medium supplemented with acetate (bright field and fluorescent image stained with Nile red, note, presence of Nile-red-stainable granules, possibly representing PHB granules or triacylglycerol bodies; (f) R. rhodochrous RPK1 cells during growth on NB medium supplemented with acetate (bright field and fluorescent image stained with DAPI and examined for presence of polyphosphate granules using DAPI-polyphosphate-specific emission filters). Note, presence of cell-pole localized polyphosphate granules in most cells