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. 2016 May 23;9:303. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1590-6

Table 2.

Cross-correlation results for Australia

(−) Values: Google searches lag notifications (+) Values: notifications lag Google searches
Search terms –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Paralysis tickb –0.388 –0.116 0.264 0.652 0.899 0.86 0.56 0.132 –0.261
Tick paralysisb –0.381 –0.126 0.24 0.632 0.871 0.82 0.511 0.077 –0.313
Ticksb –0.428 –0.207 0.18 0.616 0.847 0.795 0.507 0.187 –0.095
Tickb –0.322 –0.084 0.276 0.649 0.814 0.685 0.36 0.006 –0.267
Paralysis ticksb –0.363 –0.121 0.239 0.575 0.786 0.729 0.49 0.209 –0.065
Dog ticka –0.474 –0.299 0.052 0.459 0.756 0.829 0.637 0.326 –0.021
Dogs ticksa –0.554 –0.375 –0.055 0.357 0.641 0.785 0.724 0.493 0.177
Removing ticksa –0.577 –0.437 –0.129 0.212 0.475 0.547 0.476 0.322 0.128
Dog ticksa –0.527 –0.362 –0.07 0.286 0.607 0.758 0.624 0.346 –0.011
Remove ticka –0.394 –0.284 –0.082 0.186 0.426 0.545 0.473 0.279 0.008
Cat ticka –0.125 0.183 0.44 0.62 0.692 0.582 0.268 –0.087 –0.355
Paralysis tick dogsa –0.405 –0.184 0.194 0.589 0.864 0.837 0.579 0.23 –0.109
Dog paralysis ticka –0.44 –0.261 0.092 0.523 0.836 0.864 0.562 0.138 –0.234
Paralysis tick doga –0.429 –0.282 –0.002 0.414 0.746 0.844 0.637 0.239 –0.145
Cats ticksa –0.053 0.229 0.497 0.694 0.677 0.472 0.177 –0.088 –0.253
Tick on doga –0.436 –0.332 –0.117 0.198 0.515 0.681 0.649 0.419 0.121
Paralysis tick symptomsa –0.354 –0.134 0.222 0.598 0.807 0.721 0.425 0.065 –0.253
Confidence Limits ±0.354 ±0.348 ±0.342 ±0.338 ±0.334 ±0.338 ±0.342 ±0.348 ±0.354

The cross-correlation values are shown only for the search terms that were strongly (a) or very strongly (b) significant (Spearman’s rho ≥ 0.6). Significant positive cross-correlation values, i.e. above the upper confidence limit, are in italic, and highest values (i.e. for which the two times series are best aligned) are in bold