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. 2016 May 23;16:158. doi: 10.1186/s12888-016-0841-6

Table 4.

Results of predictor analyses on the outcome measure CES-D over time collapsing across all conditionsa

Univariate Multivariate
T0-T1 T0-T2 T0-T3 T0-T1 T0-T2 T0-T3
Demographic characteristics
 Age 0.004 0.085 0.014 0.017 0.059 −0.012
 Gender −1.806 −2.407 −1.394 −1.314 −1.689 −0.562
 Educational level −0.627 −0.781 −1.230* −0.330 −0.498 −0.908
Psychological measures
 Depression (CES-D) −0.619*** −0.628*** −0.594*** −0.835*** −0.816*** 0.196***
 Anxiety (HADS-A) 0.825*** 0.784** 0.398 0.662*** 0.733** 0.374
 Emotional well-being (MHC) −2.993*** −2.833*** −2.626** −1.711* −1.018 −0.590
 Psychological well-being (MHC) −3.153*** −3.549*** −4.089*** −1.406 −2.074* −3.356**
 Social well-being (MHC) −2.109*** −2.170** −2.582** −0.514 −0.628 −0.359
Diagnostic classification
 Current disorder 0.415 −0.678 0.271 −0.093 −0.620 −0.122
 Current depressive disorder 0.004 −0.684 1.201 −1.578 −1.158 1.264
 Comorbidity 1.447 −0.755 −0.668 0.451 −1.628 −2.160

CES-D Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Scale, HADS-A Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scale –Anxiety subscale, MHC Mental Health Continuum

aOutcome adjusted for baseline value of depression; Values are unstandardized Betas;*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001