Figure 3.
Asl regulates the position of centriole proteins. (A–E) Centrioles from interphase wt (aslmecD/TM6B) and asl mGSCs or wt mature SCs. (A) GFP::Sas-6 (green) and Ana1::tdTomato (red). Sas-6 extends the length of the centriole in asl mGSCs but is only proximal in wt SC centrioles (brackets). (A′) Length of Sas-6 signal in wt SCs (1) and asl mGSCs (2). (B) Sas-4::GFP (green) and Ana1::tdTomato (red). In SCs, Sas-4::GFP localizes proximally (bracket), where endogenous protein localizes (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2011; Fu and Glover, 2012). Additional localization beyond Ana1 (asterisk) is a consequence of overexpression. In asl mGSCs, Sas-4 is uniformly along the entire length of Ana1. (B′) Lengths of the Sas-4 signal in wt SCs (1, only the proximal signal) and asl mGSCs (2). (C) The radial distribution (diameter) of centriole proteins is unaltered in asl mGSCs. (D) GFP::Cep97 (green) and Ana1::tdTomato (red). (D′) Intensity of GFP::Cep97, normalized to the mean intensity of Cep97, at centrioles in wt (1) and asl (2) mGSCs. Cep97 levels are unaffected in asl. (E) CP110::GFP (green) and Ana1::tdTomato (red). (E′) Intensity of CP110::GFP, normalized as in D, in wt (1) and asl (2) mGSCs. CP110 levels are unaffected in asl. Bars, 1 µm. Mean ± SD, red. Comparison by unpaired t tests, with Welch’s corrections when appropriate. ****, P < 0.0001; n.s., not significant.