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. 2016 Feb 8;7(6):e1126036. doi: 10.1080/19382014.2015.1126036

Table 2.

Characteristics of patients in the group islet-after-failed pancreas transplantation, and patient with failed pancreas transplantation on the waitlist for islet transplantation.

ID # Gender Age atthe time of the 1st ITX Age at the time of the PTX Type ofPTX # of ITX Total IEQ/Kg received Period of insulin independance after ITX (days) Cause of PTX failure Interval PTX to pancreas failure (days) Interval pancreas failure to ITX (days) cPRA pre first ITX HbA1C pre-first ITX (%) HbA1C at last FU (%) Insulin requirement pre-first ITX (units/kg/day) Insulin requirement at last FU (units/kg/day) Wait time listing for ITX-ITX (days)
IAP-1 F 31 31 SPK 2 14,476 Off insulin SVT 4 24 0 7.7 5.3 0.69 0 10
IAP-2 M 52 49 PAK 2 10,831 0 NPanc 111 1014 70 10.5 12.1 0.67 0.43 278
IAP-3 M 36 35 SPK 1 5,033 0 SVT 1 106 0 6.4 5.0 0.62 0.67 101
IAP-4 F WL 41 SPK WL WL WL NPanc 8 WL 95 (WL) 8.6 WL 0.33 WL 10†

IAP: Islet after Pancreas; PTX: pancreas transplant; ITX: islet transplant; SPK: Simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplant; PAK: Pancreas after kidney transplant; KTX: kidney transplant; IEQ: Islet equivalent; SVT: splenic vein thrombosis; NPanc: Necrotizing pancreatitis; cPRA: calculated Panel Reactive Antibodies; WL: on the waitlist for ITX, not transplanted yet; : at the time of writing of the manuscript