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. 2016 May 24;3:160035. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.35

Table 4. An overview of the data tables comprising the MIMIC-III (v1.3) critical care database.

Table name Description
ADMISSIONS Every unique hospitalization for each patient in the database (defines HADM_ID).
CALLOUT Information regarding when a patient was cleared for ICU discharge and when the patient was actually discharged.
CAREGIVERS Every caregiver who has recorded data in the database (defines CGID).
CHARTEVENTS All charted observations for patients.
CPTEVENTS Procedures recorded as Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes.
D_CPT High level dictionary of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes.
D_ICD_DIAGNOSES Dictionary of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-9) codes relating to diagnoses.
D_ICD_PROCEDURES Dictionary of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-9) codes relating to procedures.
D_ITEMS Dictionary of local codes (’ITEMIDs’) appearing in the MIMIC database, except those that relate to laboratory tests.
D_LABITEMS Dictionary of local codes (’ITEMIDs’) appearing in the MIMIC database that relate to laboratory tests.
DATETIMEEVENTS All recorded observations which are dates, for example time of dialysis or insertion of lines.
DIAGNOSES_ICD Hospital assigned diagnoses, coded using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) system.
DRGCODES Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), which are used by the hospital for billing purposes.
ICUSTAYS Every unique ICU stay in the database (defines ICUSTAY_ID).
INPUTEVENTS_CV Intake for patients monitored using the Philips CareVue system while in the ICU, e.g., intravenous medications, enteral feeding, etc.
INPUTEVENTS_MV Intake for patients monitored using the iMDSoft MetaVision system while in the ICU, e.g., intravenous medications, enteral feeding, etc.
OUTPUTEVENTS Output information for patients while in the ICU.
LABEVENTS Laboratory measurements for patients both within the hospital and in outpatient clinics.
MICROBIOLOGYEVENTS Microbiology culture results and antibiotic sensitivities from the hospital database.
NOTEEVENTS Deidentified notes, including nursing and physician notes, ECG reports, radiology reports, and discharge summaries.
PATIENTS Every unique patient in the database (defines SUBJECT_ID).
PRESCRIPTIONS Medications ordered for a given patient.
PROCEDUREEVENTS_MV Patient procedures for the subset of patients who were monitored in the ICU using the iMDSoft MetaVision system.
PROCEDURES_ICD Patient procedures, coded using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) system.
SERVICES The clinical service under which a patient is registered.
TRANSFERS Patient movement from bed to bed within the hospital, including ICU admission and discharge.