Fig. S4.
C57BL Q97CRE mice exhibit motoric and striatal neurodegenerative changes. The FVB-NJ genetic background was outbred for 10 successive matings using double-heterozygous BACHD+/CAG−CREER+ offspring with WT C57BL mice. (A) At 9 mo of age, the motoric performance of tamoxifen-treated CTL, Q97, and Q97CRE mice was examined with the balance beam test. Compared with controls, Q97CRE and Q97 mice have significantly higher numbers of slips (mean ± SEM; mean comparisons were performed with the Kruskal–Wallis test, whereas post hoc analyses used Dunn’s multiple comparisons test). (B) At 12 mo of age, the striata of Q97 and Q97CRE mice were examined with electron microscopy and exhibited enhanced neuronal degeneration (bars depict percentage ± 95% confidence interval; each comparison was made using the χ2 test). *P < 0.05. (C and D) Representative normal and degenerating neurons in CTL and Q97CRE specimens, respectively. (Scale bars: C and D represent 2 μm.)