Fig. 2.
A Effects induced by baclofen (0.1–10 μM) on the pharmacologically isolated IPSPs recorded intracellularly from a NEC and from a WAG/Rij neuron following single-shock stimuli. Note that the effects exerted in the WAG/Rij cell are less pronounced than in NEC as well as that this difference can be better appreciated during injection of steady hyperpolarizing current. B Percentage of reduction induced by increasing doses of baclofen on the peak amplitude of the stimulus-induced responses measured in the two types of tissue during injection of hyperpolarizing current (membrane values = −84 to −90 mV). Note that values of reduction are significantly (p < 0.01) different in NEC and WAG/Rij rats at low baclofen doses, but they became similar when approaching the plateau (2 μM) of baclofen effect. * p <0.05, ** p < 0.01 vs. the preceding (lower) baclofen dose; ## p < 0.01 vs. the respective NEC group of baclofen treatment, Fisher’s LSD test for multiple comparisons.