Overview of the methods used in the current experiment. (a) Following Golgi-Cox staining, granule cells were selected from the suprapyramidal (DGsp, red overlay) and infrapyramidal (DGip, blue overlay) blades of the dentate gyrus (shown in a, scale bar = 200 μm). (b) Schematic of a granule cell demonstrating each of the parameters measured. The size of the dendritic arbor was measured using the Sholl method, which overlays concentric circles spaced 20 μm apart and counts the number of intersections (left). In addition, the complexity of the dendritic tree was measured by counting the number of intersections and assigning each branch a consecutively higher branch order number (right). Finally, dendritic spines were counted (inset, scale bar = 10μm) under 100x magnification under oil in each of the inner (IML, grey area nearest the soma), middle (MML), and outer (OML, grey area furthest from soma) third of the molecular layer.