Hybridization patterns obtained with the GenoType MTBDRsl v2.0 assay. The controls, targeted genes, and mutations are given to the left of the figure. CC, conjugate control; AC, amplification control (23S rRNA); TUB, M. tuberculosis complex-specific control (23S rRNA); Control gyrA, control for gyrA amplification; gyrA WT1 to WT3, gyrA wild-type (WT) probes located in regions of codons 85 to 97; gyrA MUT1 to MUT3D, gyrA mutant probes testing for mutations entailing A90V, S91P, D94A, D94N/Y, D94G, and D94H substitutions; Control gyrB, control for gyrB amplification; gyrB WT, gyrB WT probe testing for mutations in codons 536 to 541; gyrB MUTA and MUT2, gyrB mutant probes testing for mutations entailing N538D and E540V substitutions; Control rrs, control for rrs amplification; rrs WT1 and WT2, rrs WT probes covering nucleotides 1401 and 1402 and nucleotide 1484; rrs MUT1 and MUT2, rrs mutant probes testing for A1401G and G1484T mutations; Control eis, amplification control for eis; eis WT1, WT2, and WT3, eis WT probes located in regions for nucleotide G-37, nucleotides C-14, C-12, and G-10, and nucleotide C-2, respectively; eis MUT1, mutant probe testing for mutation C-14T; CM, colored marker. Typical hybridization patterns were obtained and are shown in the figure as follows: lane 1, H37Rv (WT); lane 2, gyrA D94G; lane 3, gyrB E540V; lane 4, rrs C1402T; lane 5, eis C-14T; lane 6, gyrA D94G-A90V-WT (gyrA D94G and A90V and WT), rrs A1401G, and eis G-10A.