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. 2016 May 23;54(6):1573–1580. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00051-16


Performance of Genotype MTBDRsl v2.0 and the first version of the MTBDRsl assay compared to phenotypic DST on 127 clinical isolatesa

Parameter Performance of MTBDRsl v2.0 [and MTBDRsl first version] compared to phenotypic DST
Value (95% CI) Value (95% CI) Value (95% CI) Value (95% CI) Value (95% CI) Value (95% CI)
% sensitivity 94.8[89.6 (87.4, 98.0)(80.8, 94.6)] 90.5[59.5 (81.7, 95.3)(48.1, 69.9)] 91.3[91.3 (79.7, 96.6)(79.7, 96.6)] 83.0[83.0 (70.8, 90.8)(70.8, 90.8)] 83.3[75.0 (70.4, 91.3)(61.2, 85.1)] 83.0[49.1 (70.8, 90.8)(36.1, 62.1)]
% specificity 98[98 (89.5, 99.7)(89.5, 99.7)] 94.3[100 (84.6, 98.1)(93.2, 100)] 100[100 (95.5, 100)(95.5, 100)] 100[100 (95.1, 100)(95.1, 100)] 88.6[67.1 (70.7, 93.9)(56.1, 76.5)] 100[100 (95.1, 100)(95.1, 100)]
PPV (%) 98.7[98.6 (92.7, 99.8)(92.3, 99.8)] 95.7[100 (88.1, 98.5)(92.0, 100)] 100[100 (91.6, 100)(91.6, 100)] 100[100 (92.0, 100)(92.0, 100)] 81.6[58.1 (68.6, 90.0)(45.7, 69.5)] 100[100 (92.0, 100)(87.1, 100)]
NPV (%) 92.4[86.0 (82.1, 97.0)(74.7, 92.7)] 87.7[63.9 (76.75, 93.9)(53.1, 73.4)] 95.3[95.3 (88.5, 98.2)(88.5, 98.2)] 89.2[89.2 (80.7, 94.2)(80.7, 94.2)] 89.7[81.5 (81.0, 94.7)(70.4, 89.1)] 89.2[73.3 (80.7, 94.2)(63.9, 80.9)]
Positive likelihood ratio 47.4[44.8 (6.7, 337)(6.3, 319.1)] 16.0[UD (8.3, 30.8)UD] UD[UD UDUD] UD[UD UDUD] 7.3[2.3 (5.8 9.2)(2.1, 2.5)] UD[UD UDUD]
Negative likelihood ratio 0.05[0.11 (0.03, 0.09)(0.08, 0.14)] 0.10[0.41 (0.08, 0.13)(0.38, 0.43)] 0.09[0.09 (0.05, 0.14)(0.05, 0.14)] 0.17[0.17 (0.14, 0.21)(0.14, 0.21)] 0.19[0.37 (0.14, 0.24)(0.31, 0.45)] 0.17[0.51 (0.14, 0.21)(0.47, 0.55)]
Diagnostic accuracy (%) 96.1[92.9 (91.1, 98.3)(87.1, 96.2)] 92.1[76.4 (86.1, 95.7)(68.2, 82.9)] 96.8[96.8 (92.2, 98.8)(92.2, 98.8)] 92.9[92.9 (87.1, 96.2)(87.1, 96,2)] 86.6[70.1 (79.6, 91.5)(61.6, 77.4)] 92.9[78.7 (87.1, 96.2)(70.8, 85.0)]

CI, confidence interval; DST, drug susceptibility testing; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; UD, undefined.