CD4 cell counts and viral loads prior to and following antiretroviral drug resistance tests in Kampala, Uganda. (A to D) CD4+ T-cell counts (CD4) (A and C) and viral loads (VL) (B and D) were analyzed for <90 days to 1 year, up to 90 days preceding, 0 to 90 days following, or 90 days to 1 year following the identification of a drug-resistant genotype (A and B) or having a drug-susceptible genotype (C and D). A total of 356 and 67 patients with 3,017 CD4/1,727 VL and 451 CD4/239 VL tests were analyzed for panels A and B and for panels C and D, respectively. (E and F) A subset of 33 patients (groups II and II) lacking HIV-1 drug resistance by Sanger sequencing were analyzed for CD4+ T-cell counts (n = 69) (E) and viral loads (n = 66) (F). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ****, P < 0.0001; ANOVA and multiple-comparison tests. Mean values and standard deviations are indicated.