Fig. 4.
Effects of VEGF and LPS on permeability of EC monolayers to BSA and on tumor cell transmigration. Comparison of permeability of EC monolayers to BSA under control and under 1 nM VEGF or 5 μg/mL LPS treatment in the absence (A, D) and presence of tumor cells (B, E) for bEnd3 and RLMEC monolayers, respectively. Comparison of the number of effective transmigrated tumor cells (TMed TCs) across EC monolayers under control and under 1 nM VEGF or 5 μg/mL LPS treatment for bEnd3 (C) and RLMEC (F). * p < 0.05, compared with control at the same time; # p < 0.05, compare VEGF treatment with LPS treatment at the same time; $ p < 0.05, compare 6h or 8h with 4h under same treatments; @ p < 0.05, compare 8h with 6h under same treatments. n = 3 for each time point. Values are means ± SE.