Figure 1.
Phenogram of all bone-related loci identified by GWAS in children and/or young populations to date. Each locus is named according to either the most biologically relevant candidate gene in the region, the gene that is physically closest to the most strongly associated SNP, or in the case of intergenic regions, the cytogenic band containing the association. Note that in the vast majority of instances neither the identity of the true functional variant(s) nor the particular gene responsible for the association is known with certainty. Results from the following studies were used to generate the phenogram: Medina-Gomez et al.11 (PMID: 22792070), Kemp et al.10 (PMID: 24945404), Paternoster et al.8 (PMID: 21124946) and Paternoster et al.36 (PMID: 23437003). BMD (bone mineral density); C-vBMD (cortical volumetric BMD); LL (lower limbs); SK (skull); TB (total-body less head); T-vBMD (trabecular volumetric BMD) and UL (upper limbs).