Figure 6. Phosphorylated S368 under metabolic stress.
(A) Cos-7 cells expressing AdCx43, Ad368A or Ad368E were probed for phosphorylated S368 (P-S368). (B) Westerns for P-S368 and total Cx43 (T-Cx43) under baseline and MS conditions in NRVMs. (C) Summary data showing decreased p-S368 in the Ad368A and Ad368E groups relative to AdCx43. When exposed to MS, all groups had a similar percentage decrease in p-S368 relative to baseline. AdGFP n=5 each; AdCx43 n=5 each, Ad368A n=6 each; Ad368E baseline n=4, MS n=5 *p<0.05, # p = 0.07 for change in p-S368 with MS compared to respective baseline. p = NS for comparison of percent change with MS across groups.