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. 2014 Oct-Dec;12(4):459–466. doi: 10.1590/S1679-45082014AO3205

Pre-Participation Gynecological Examination (PPGE).

General data
1) Date of birth (D/M/Y): __________Weight_______ Height______
Race (_) White__(_) Non-white
2) Level of schooling
(_) Elementary School (1st – 8th grade)__(_) Middle/High School
(_) Higher education__(_) Complete__(_) Incomplete course:_____________________
Sports history
3) Modality: ____________
4) Age at start of competitive training: _______ years
5) Hours of training per day, currently: ______ hours
6) Weekly frequency of practice, currently:__________ days/week
Menstrual antecedents
7) Age at first menstruation: ______ years
8) Do you practice while menstruated? (_) Yes__(_) No
9) How many days does your menstruation last? _____ days
10) How long afterwards do you menstruate again?
(_) I don’t know because it varies a lot
(_) I don’t know, but I menstruate once a month
(_) After ____ days
11) Have you gone 3 months (or more) without menstruating? (_) Yes__(_) No
12) If yes: was it during a period of intensive training? (_) Yes__(_) No
Were you lower than your normal weight? (_) Yes__(_) No
Did your period normalize once the rhythm of training decreased? (_) Yes__(_) No
Did it normalize when you gained weight? (_) Yes__(_) No
It is not associated with training or change in weight (_)
Influence of menstrual cycle on performance
13) Does your coach know when you are in your menstrual period? (_) Yes__(_) No
14) Does your coach agree to change your training if menstruation is interfering with your performance? (_) Yes__(_) No__(_) I don’t tell the coach or talk to him/her about it
15) If you could choose a time to compete, you would choose:
(_) My menstrual period does not influence me__(_) Not during menstruation
(_) Right before menstruation__(_) During menstruation
(_) Right after menstruation__(_) More or less 15 days after menstruation
16) What do you feel before your menstrual period? Attribute a score: 1 (if it does not bother you) or 2 (if it bothers you a lot).
(_) I do not feel anything that really bothers me __
(_) Pain or swelling in the breasts __
(_) Swelling in my belly, feeling of weight or discomfort __
(_) Headache __
(_) Swelling in hand or legs __
(_) Increase in body weight __
(_) Pain the back, joints, or muscles __
(_) Irritation, nervousness, or sadness __
(_) Increase in appetite __
(_) Changes in sleep __
(_) Lack of concentration, loss of motivation __
(_) Menstrual cramps __
Sexual history
17) Have you had sexual relations with men? (_) Yes__(_) No
18) If yes, how old were you “in the first time”? _______ years
19) How many partners have you had? _______
20) Do you have a fixed partner (you have intercourse only with this person)? (_) Yes__(_) No
21) If “yes”, for how long? __________
22) Have you had sexual relations with women? (_) Yes__(_) No
23) Do you use any contraceptive method? (_) Yes__(_) No
24) If “yes”, mark the correct option:
(_) Pill:__________(_) IUD with progesterone__(_) Male condom
(_) Injection once a month__(_) Copper IUD__(_) Female condom
(_) Injection every 3 months__(_) Vaginal ring__(_) Other_______________
25) Was it prescribed by a gynecologist? (_) Yes__(_) No
26) Started to use it to: (_) Avoid pregnancy__(_) Regulate menstruation__(_) For both reasons
27) Do you know what a STD is? (_) Yes__(_) No
28) Have you ever had to treat any sexually transmitted disease? (_) Yes__(_) No
29) If “yes”:
Which disease? ___________________________________
What was the treatment? ________________________________
Were you cured? (_) Yes__(_) No
Obstetric history
30) Have you ever been pregnant?: Yes (_)__No (_)__How many times? __________
Number of deliveries (write the number): (_) Normal__(_) C-section__(_) Forceps
Number of abortions (write the number): (_) Spontaneous/Miscarriage__(_) Provoked
Female athlete triad
31) Have you ever heard of the “female athlete triad”? Yes (_)__No (_) __________
32) Have you ever had a stress fracture? (A fracture not associated with trauma, accident, or acute torsion) (_) Yes (_) No
33) If “yes”, at that time:
Were you menstruating normally? (_) Yes__(_) No__(_) I don’t remember
Had you lost weight? (_) Yes _______kg__(_) No__(_) I don’t remember
Were you at a time of intense training? (_) Yes__(_) No__(_) I don’t remember
In which region of the body did it occur? __________________________
Past medical/surgical history
34) Are you under treatment for any disease? (_) Yes__(_) No.__Which ?_________________________
35) Do you regularly take any medication? (_) Yes__(_) No.__Which?_______________
36) Have you had any operations? (_) Yes__(_) No.__Which?_____________When? ________
37) Are you allergic to any food or medication? (_) Yes__(_) No
38) If “yes”, to what? _______________________________________
39) Do you have routine gynecological accompaniment (at least once a year)? (_) Yes__(_) No