(A) Detailed individual scores. The heatmap shows scores, coded by color according to the colorbar on the right, for all 49 individuals and for each of 15 different ACNS Critical Care EEG terminology concepts. Scores for each concept are calculated as % of answers in agreement with answers determined by consensus of an expert panel. Respondents are rank-ordered according to overall score. (B). Overall individual scores. Scores from (A) are summarized as a single score obtained in three different ways: By averaging the scores over all 15 concepts, giving equal weight to each (red bars); by averaging with terms weighted by the percentage agreement (orange bars); and by averaging with terms weighted by the IRA value (κ) for each concept (white bars). Sz, seizure; M1, main term 1; M2, main term 2; +F, superimposed fast activity; +R, superimposed rhythmic delta activity; +S, superimposed sharp waves or spikes, or sharply contoured activity; A+, any “plus” modifier (and of +F, +R, or +S vs. No+); C+, specific combination of “plus” modifiers (F, R, S, FR, FS, or No +); Sh, sharpness; AA, absolute amplitude; RA, relative amplitude; Fr, frequency; Ph, number of phases; Ev, evolution; TP, triphasic morphology.
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