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. 2016 May 25;10(5):e0004721. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004721

Table 1. Summary data for measurements and morphology of diphyllobothriidean egg samples from naturally and experimentally infected hosts.

Species Definitive host Locality No.1 Range (mean) [μm] No.2 Pits3 Code of samples4
Adenocephalus Arctocephalus pusillus Australia 26 46–54 × 36–42 (50 × 39) 3 IPCAS-AU 11
pacificus Arctophoca australis Argentina 25 49–54 × 39–43 (53 × 41) 5 80–87 IPCAS-ARG 28
Callorhinus ursinus USA, Alaska 25 50–62 × 40–48 (55 × 44) 2 46 IPCAS-SAM 0–17
25 49–57 × 39–45 (54 × 43) 1 66 IPCAS-SAM 6–51
25 51–60 × 39–47 (55 × 43) IPCAS-SAM 7–64
Canis mesomelas South Africa 25 54–59 × 40–45 (57 × 42) 3 72–124 BMNH-1988.5.13.1–28
Homo sapiens Peru 25 43–51 × 35–42 (48 × 40) 5 34–71 IPCAS-TS 05/16
25 47–55 × 37–44 (51 × 41) 7 IPCAS-TS 06/27
Neophoca cinerea Australia 24 41–57 × 40–48 (52 × 43) 4 79 IPCAS-AU 10
  Otaria flavescens Peru 25 52–57 × 37–44 (55 × 41) 6 31–73 IPCAS-Peru 9
Diphyllobothrium Neomonachus USA, Hawaii 75 41–56 × 33–45 (47 × 39) 3 151–169 IPCAS-KEI 8–3
cf. cameroni schauinslandi   25 45–52 × 36–41 (49 × 39) 6 99–127 USNPC-26205
Diphyllobothrium Canis familiaris Greenland 25 60–67 × 40–45 (63 × 42) 4 189–226 NHMD-DAN 26
cordatum 25 64–69 × 40–43 (67 × 42) 5 163–177 NHMD-DAN 28A
25 71–79 × 45–53 (75 × 49) 4 98–150 NHMD-DAN 28B
    25 61–69 × 40–44 (65 × 43) 3 89–113 NHMD-DAN 29
Erignathus barbatus Greenland 25 67–76 × 46–50 (72 × 48) ZMUO-6
25 70–78 × 46–50 (74 × 49) 3 103–163 NHMD-DAN 13A
25 72–78 × 44–49 (76 × 47) NHMD-DAN 13B
USA, Alaska 50 65–78 × 43–54 (71 × 48) 1 172–194 IPCAS-PBI 429
Odobenus rosmarus Greenland 25 70–76 × 41–48 (73 × 44) 3 179–244 NHMD-DAN 2
Russia, Bering Sea 25 66–77 × 47–53 (71 × 50) 3 140–177 IPCAS-TS 05/47
  Russia, Chukotka 25 65–75 × 46–52 (70 × 49) 5 187–211 IPCAS-TS 04/27
Diphyllobothrium Canis familiaris Russia 25 57–63 × 38–45 (60 × 40) 5 0 IPCAS-TS 04/39
dendriticum Larus hyperboreus USA, Kansas 25 53–66 × 38–43 (59 × 40) 1 0 IPCAS-KS-6
  Mesocricetus auratus5 Norway 74 49–64 × 37–49 (58 × 41) 4 0 ZMUO-437
Diphyllobothrium Monachus monachus Italy 25 59–63 × 44–47 (61 × 45) 6 97–109 NHMD-DAN 15
hians     50 45–65 × 35–50 (59 × 46) IPCAS-ITA 140
Diphyllobothrium Canis familiaris Russia 25 61–68 × 44–48 (65 × 45) 7 0 IPCAS-S 04/17
latum Canis lupus Switzerland 25 60–65 × 42–46 (63 × 44) 4 0 MHNG-56104
Homo sapiens Australia 25 66–73 × 49–53 (70 × 50) 3 0 QM-GL 12348
Chile 25 65–73 × 48–53 (70 × 51) 4 0 IPCAS-Chile 1a 2012
25 67–74 × 46–52 (71 × 50) 3 0 IPCAS-Chile 1b 2014
Czech Republic 25 61–66 × 44–48 (64 × 46) 5 0 IPCAS-CZ 78
Italy 274 60–81 × 43–57 (70 × 50) IPCAS-CZ 79a
141 62–76 × 47–58 (69 × 51) 13 0 IPCAS-CZ 79b
Norway 25 60–66 × 43–49 (63 × 47) 5 0 ZMUO-C 1508
25 62–71 × 44–51 (68 × 48) ZMUO-C 1513
25 60–65 × 40–46 (62 × 44) ZMUO-C 1515
25 61–68 × 43–48 (65 × 45) 3 0 ZMUO-C 1517
Russia 25 62–70 × 45–50 (65 × 47) IPCAS-CZ 86
  25 64–69 × 47–51 (66 × 48) IPCAS-RUS 106
Switzerland 25 68–76 × 49–54 (72 × 51) 4 0 MHNG-38373
Mesocricetus auratus5 Italy 50 57–68 x 43–49 (63 x 46) IPCAS CZ 79 Ha
Norway 25 57–62 x 40–43 (59 x 41) ZMUO 10
25 51–58 x 39–44 (55 x 42) ZMUO 2
23 54–65 x 39–45 (59 x 42) 7 0 ZMUO 7A
Switzerland 25 61–69 x 42–50 (65 x 46) 4 0 MHNG-17860
  Ursus maritimus Austria (ZOO) 25 66–74 × 46–52 (70 × 49) 3 0 NMW-20045
Diphyllobothrium Homo sapiens Japan 25 59–64 × 40–43 (62 × 42) 3 0 IPCAS-2010-67
nihonkaiense 25 59–66 × 41–44 (62 × 42) 7 0 IPCAS-2010-67-E
25 60–66 × 39–45 (63 × 42) 6 0 IPCAS-2013-16
25 59–66 × 38–44 (62 × 41) IPCAS-2013-52
25 58–66 × 41–44 (61 × 43) IPCAS-2014-01
25 60–67 × 40–48 (63 × 44) IPCAS-2014-63
25 63–68 × 40–48 (65 × 44) 2 0 IPCAS-Dn 2014–1
25 61–69 × 40–48 (65 × 44) IPCAS-Dn 2014–2E
25 60–63 × 39–43 (61 × 40) 2 0 IPCAS-Dn 2014–2S
      21 55–66 × 44–47 (61 × 46) 3 0 IPCAS-Dn1
Diphyllobothrium Lagenorhynchus acutus USA, Mississippi 25 53–64 × 41–48 (60 × 46) 4 78–92 IPCAS-TS 09/101
stemmacephalum Phocoena Ukraine, Black Sea 25 63–70 × 44–47 (67 × 46) GenBank-DQ768191
  Tursiops truncatus USA, Massachusetts 24 64–70 × 40–50 (66 × 47) IPCAS-USA 21
TOTAL: 62 samples (56 analyzed) 2,082 (1,860 analyzed) 184

1Number of eggs measured

2Number of eggs observed by scanning electron microscopy

3Number of pits per 100 μm2

4Deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, UK (BMNH), Institute of Parasitology, CAS, České Budějovice, Czech Republic (IPCAS), Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland (MHNG), Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark (NHMD), Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria (NMW), Queensland Museum, Australia (QM), United States National Parasite Collection, Beltsville, Maryland, USA (USNPC), Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (ZMUO)

5Experimentally infected atypical host–golden hamster; not used in statistical analysis.