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. 2016 Jun;106(6):1073–1078. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303095


Characteristics of Men and Women in Contact With Posttrafficking Support Services: England, June 2013–December 2014

Characteristic Men (n = 52), Mean ±SD, No. (%), or Median (IQR) Women (n = 98), Mean (SD), No. (%), Median (IQR) P
Age left education, y 18.1 ±3.4 16.2 ±6.2 .02
Violence experienced before trafficking
 Physical violence 15 (28.9) 57 (58.2) .002
 Sexual violence 2 (3.9) 30 (30.6) .001
Type of exploitation < .001
 Domestic servitude 5 (9.6) 39 (39.8)
 Sexual exploitation 1 (1.9) 42 (42.9)
 Labor exploitation 45 (86.5) 14 (14.3)
Months in trafficking situation 3 (1–5) 12 (5–60) .01
Hours worked per d < .001
 ≤ 8 4 (7.7) 9 (9.2)
 9–12 26 (50.0) 18 (18.4)
 ≥ 13 13 (25.0) 24 (24.5)
 No fixed hours 5 (9.6) 30 (40.8)
No weekly rest day 24 (46.2) 64 (65.3) .06
Threats to self during trafficking 36 (69.2) 82 (83.7) < .001
Threats to family during trafficking 16 (30.8) 47 (48.0) < .001
Violence experienced during trafficking
 Physical violence 22 (42.3) 75 (76.5) < .001
 Sexual violence 2 (3.9) 65 (66.3) < .001
Injury during trafficking 17 (32.7) 66 (67.4) < .001
Poor living conditions during trafficking
 Locked in a room 11 (21.2) 47 (48.0) .004
 Living/sleeping in overcrowded rooms 30 (57.7) 35 (35.7) .04
 Sleeping in dangerous conditions 5 (9.6) 4 (4.1) .37
 Nowhere to sleep/sleeping on the floor 29 (55.8) 32 (32.7) .02
 Poor basic hygiene 20 (38.5) 14 (14.3) .003
 Inadequate food 35 (67.3) 39 (39.8) .006
 Inadequate drinking water 13 (25.0) 11 (11.2) .09
 No clean clothing 17 (32.7) 31 (31.6) .92
Being made to drink alcohol 7 (13.5) 26 (26.5) .16
Being made to take illegal drugs 5 (9.6) 14 (14.3) .64
Being made to take medications 5 (9.6) 12 (12.4) .81
No access to passport/identity documents 22 (42.3) 68 (69.4) .003
Extreme restriction of movement 30 (60.0) 78 (81.3) .005
Age, y 36.8 (11.9) 30.0 (9.4) .001
Currently married/living with a partner 13 (25.0) 8 (8.3) .006
Has ≥ 1 children 29 (55.8) 52 (53.6) .80
Months since left trafficking situation 3 (1–6) 16 (3–38) < .001
Months of contact with support services 1.6 (0.9–4.3) 4.4 (1.4–12.5) < .001
Still afraid of traffickers 29 (55.6) 78 (78.6) .002
No. of unmet needs 2 (1–3) 3 (1–4) .57
Lacks a confidante 18 (34.6) 31 (31.6) .11

Note. IQR = interquartile range. The sample size was n = 150.