Fig. 2.
A) BDNF protein levels are reduced in the brain of CaMK-BDNFKO mice. Levels of BDNF protein in 12 week old mice were measured in wild-type mice (n=5, black bars), BDNFneo;BDNFlox mice (n=3, gray bars) and CaMK-BDNFKO mice (n=5, white bars). ViC = visual cortex, Hp = hippocampus, T/Hy = thalamus/hypothalamus, M/Hi = mid/hindbrain, DRGs = dorsal root ganglia. B) Body weights of wild type, BDNF heterozygotes (Het), CaMKcre; BDNFlox/+ (CKCBlox) mice and CaMK-BDNFKO mice. Histograms show the body weights of animals aged 12–48 weeks, with the weights binned in 5 gram amounts. (On the abscissa 25 = 20.0–24.9g, 30 = 25.0–29.5g etc.)