CaMK-BDNFKO mice are impaired in the Morris water maze. Adult animals (12–16 weeks, n= 8 for all genotypes) were tested in Morris water maze. Trial blocks consisted of 4 swims and three trial blocks were performed each day. Swim times for each day were averaged and plotted in A and times for the final day of the hidden platform are shown in panel B. During the training trials, the hidden platform was in quadrant 2 (quad 2). In the probe trial, the platform was removed and the number of times the animal swam across the area of each possible platform position is shown in C. * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001. Black asterisks indicate differences between CaMK-BDNFKO mice and wild type mice, gray asterisks indicate differences between CaMK-BDNFKO and heterozygous controls.