Changes induced by inhibiting carbonic anhydrase activity on the two types of interictal discharge induced by 4AP in the CA3 subfield. a Continuous recordings obtained under control conditions and during the application of acetazolamide (10 μM). In each panel, the inserts below represent averages of the short- and long-lasting interictal events. b Bar graphs showing the means (±SEM) of the interval of occurrence, duration, and amplitude of short- and long-lasting interictal events recorded from CA3 under control conditions (i.e., 4AP) and during application of 10 μM acetazolamide. Note that blocking carbonic anhydrase activity decreases both the interval of occurrence and the duration of short-lasting interictal events while increasing the amplitudes of these events. Note also that this pharmacological procedure decreases the duration and the amplitude of the long-lasting interictal events without causing any effect on their interval of occurrence. *p<0.05, **p<0.001 and ***p<0.0001