TABLE 3. Summary of published clinical trials of investigating efficacy of vilazodone in patients with major depressive disorder.
aNumber of total intent-to-treat patients, bLeast-square mean change from baseline to end-point (week 8), cStudies included Khan et al and Rickels et al.28,29, d≥50% reduction in baseline score at Week 8, eRate of >50% reduction in baseline MADRS total score at Week 8, fRate of ≥50% reduction in baseline MADRS total score at last two study visits, gStandard error mean, hStandard error, iTotal score of MADRS≤10 at week 8, jTotal score of MADRS≤5 at week 8.
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
CGI-I: clinical global impressions-improvement scale, CGI-S: clinical global impressions-severity of illness scale, HAM-A: Hamilton rating scale for anxiety, HDS-17: 17-item Hamilton rating scale for depression, MADRS: Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale, N: not applicable, RCT: randomized double-blind placebo controlled trials, PBO: placebo, SD: standard deviation, SE: standard error, VLD: vilazodone.