Figure 1.
Microbiota analysis of stool 1(A). LEfSe predictions for bacterial families found in stool for healthy controls compared to cirrhosis. The histogram shows bacterial families in red bars that were significantly higher in control stool microbiota. LDA (linear discriminant analysis) score on the x-axis represents log changes in relative bacterial family representation in healthy controls compared to cirrhotic patients. The cladogram shows the phylogenetic relationship between the bacterial families that were higher in controls compared to cirrhotic patients that are represented in the red in the histogram. 1(B) LEfSe predictions for bacterial families found in stool for patients with hepatic encephalopathy. The histogram shows bacterial families in green bars that were significantly higher in cirrhotics with HE while those in red show bacterial families that were significantly higher in cirrhotics without HE. LDA (linear discriminant analysis) score on the x-axis represents log changes in relative bacterial family representation between the two groups. The cladogram shows the phylogenetic relationship between the bacterial families that were different in cirrhotics with HE compared to cirrhotics without HE representing the same colors for the groups as in the histogram.