Figure 2. Assortativity of protein networks in eukaryotic ribosomal subunits.
(a) 60S eukaryotic subunit (PDB id: 4v88); (b) 40S eukaryotic subunit (PDB id: 4v88). The proteins are coloured in function of their number of interacting partners. White: 0; blue: 1; cyan: 2; green: 3; yellow: 4; orange: 5; brown: 6; red brick: 7; red: 8 (see Supplementary Table S8). In each panel, a surface representation of the X-ray subunit structure and the corresponding 2D schematic representation of the ribosomal protein network are displayed. The schematic 2D diagrams of the networks also indicate the secondary structures involved in the interactions (Table 1, Supplementary Tables S3–S7) using an arrow code indicated into the legend box (the same colour and arrow codes are used for Fig. 3).