Fig. 2.
Analysis of plasmids isolated from the colonies obtained by transformation of competent E. coli cells with DNA from Krebs-2 ascites pre-incubated with different types of eDNA (pUC19 only or pUC19 + Alu-TAMRA dsDNA). a Krebs-2 ascites cells were incubated with a mixture of plasmid pUC19 DNA and linear Alu-TAMRA dsDNA. TAMRA+ and TAMRA– subpopulations were gated as shown. b Image of colony growth on an LB-amp plate seeded with E. coli cells transformed with DNA from TAMRA+ or TAMRA– Krebs-2 subpopulations. No colonies are formed in the latter group. c Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of the plasmids recovered. 1–4, Plasmids obtained from TAMRA+ material; 5, 6, plasmids obtained from the control transformation (Krebs-2 cells incubated with pUC19 DNA only); pUC19, Alu-pBS, original plasmids; 1 kb, DNA molecular weight 1 kb ladder. d Restriction analysis of plasmid DNA with a 4-cutter HaeIII. Plasmids derived from TAMRA+ cells (2, 3) correspond to pUC19, much as the plasmid (6) isolated from control Krebs-2 cells incubated with just pUC19