Fig. 6.
Competition between Alu-TAMRA dsDNA and supercoiled pUC19 plasmid DNA for internalization into Krebs-2 cells. a Alu-TAMRA DNA is added 1 h after pre-incubation with the same DNA. b Alu-TAMRA DNA is added after pre-incubation with pUC19. 1a-5a, 1b-6b, Flow cytometry plots and schematics of each experimental point analyzed; 6a, 7b, percentage of TAMRA+ cells analyzed at each point. Baseline equals background level of fluorescence, i.e., either when no DNA was added (a), or when cells were incubated for 1 h with non-fluorescent plasmid DNA (b); upper limit represents percentage of TAMRA+ cells following incubation with Alu-TAMRA DNA