Figure 1.
Transitions of epidermal types in the Macaronesian bird-flowered element. Boxes represent the modification of epidermal type in comparison with its closely related species. Papillate types: (a) papillate conical cells (PCS) in the dorsal petal of Lotus sessilifolius, (b) PCS in the upper lip of Digitalis purpurea, (c) papillate knobby cells (PKR) in Thermopsis macrophylla, (d) PKR cells in Teucrium abutiloides. Tabular types: (e,f) tabular rugose cells without striations (TR) in Navaea phoenicea, (g) tabular rugose cells with striations (TRS) in the lateral petals of Lotus sessilifolius, (h) TRS in the upper lip of Scrophularia calliantha, (i) tabular flat cells with striations (TFS) in the ventral petals of Lotus sessilifolius and (j) TFS in the ventral petals of Anagyris foetida. Scale bars, 20 µm. *Mixed vertebrate pollination also evolved at least three times in Mediterranean Scrophularia. (Online version in colour.)