Fig 1.
Transfer free energy ΔΔGA210 and general position specific transfer free energy scales ΔΔG(i) were derived using host residues in OmpLA. (a) ΔΔGA210 (blue bar) calculated at host residue A210 of OmpLA was compared with the experimentally measured Moon-Fleming whole-protein scale12 (red bar). ΔΔGA210 correlates well with the whole protein scale 12 ( R2 = 0.91 excluding Pro), the biological scale of Hessa et al28 (R2 = 0.88 excluding Pro), and the Wimley-White octanol scale ΔΔGOctanol5 (R2 = 0.68 excluding Pro). (b)ΔΔG(i) are derived for all 9 positions in the TM region. For position i, ΔΔG derived from multiple host residues at this same depth-position are averaged to obtain ΔΔG(i). Host residues with strong context dependency in their transfer free energy scales were excluded from calculation.