Figure 6. MtROS contribute to LPC-induced endothelial activation by upregulating nuclear binding of AP-1 on the promoter of ICAM-1.
A. Putative AP-1 and NFκB binding site in the promoter of ICAM-1. B & C. MtROS inhibitor MitoTEMPO blocked LPC-induced nuclear AP-1 binding. HAECs were treated with vehicle or LPC (10 μM) for 1 hour with or without MitoTEMPO (1 μM) 1-hour pre-incubation, and nuclear proteins were collected afterwards for electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). 2 μg nuclear proteins were used for AP-1 EMSA (B) and 5 μg nuclear proteins were used for NFκB EMSA (C). Representative images from three independent experiments were shown.