Box 1.
Relevant factors | Relevant findings | Study |
Tumor location | No sign differences in cognitive status between lateralization groups prior to and following surgery | Tucha [4] |
Sign differences in changes over time between lateralization groups, mainly on attentional functions. Left-sided (n = 22) MGM improved sign on flexibility and shifting. Right-sided (n = 21) MGM improved sign on variety of attentional functions | ||
Sign effect of frontal MGM on pre-operative and post-operative cognitive status. Prior to surgery; falx cerebri (n = 14) performed sign better on figural fluency than frontobasal (n = 19) and convexity (n = 17) MGM. Following surgery; frontobasal (n = 19) and falx cerebri (n = 14) MGM performed sign better on divided attention and figural memory than convexity (n = 17) MGM | ||
Sign differences between localization groups for various cognitive domains. Convexity (n = 17) MGM: only improvement on flexibility and shifting (attentional/executive functions), frontobasal (n = 19) MGM: improvement on a broader range of attentional/executive functions after surgery. Pts with falx cerebri (n = 14) MGM improved on various cognitive domains | ||
No sign differences in cognitive status between lateralization groups prior to and following surgery | Meskal [20] | |
No sign associations between tumor lateralization and cognitive improvement over time | ||
No sign differences in pre-operative or post-operative cognitive functioning based on tumor localization, except for complex attention: sign better performance for infratentorial (n = 7) as opposed to supratentorial (n = 61) tumors | ||
No sign associations between tumor localization (skull base, convexity, and convexity/falx) and cognitive improvement over time | ||
Cognitive function normalized in right-sided (n = 17) MGM following surgery. Left-sided (n = 17) MGM did not normalize or improve | Yoshii [7] | |
No statistical tests were conducted in this study: no clear conclusions can be drawn | ||
No reports on specific localization or lateralization effects on cognitive functioning | Koizumi [19] | |
Based on data in a table; 3 pts with very low scores (<10) on MMSE before surgery, suffered from convexity (n = 4) MGM. These pts improved substantially after surgery, but still had the lowest scores on MMSE (≤ 23), compared with other localization groups | ||
No clear associations of memory functions with localization before FSRT (no data reported) | Steinvorth [27] | |
No clear lateralization effects before and after FSRT | ||
Pts with left-sided (n = 37) MGM performed sign worse on verbal memory compared to right-sided (n = 25) MGM | Dijkstra [5] | |
Lower cognitive performance in skull-base (n = 24) MGM on verbal memory, information processing, and psychomotor speed compared to convexity (n = 28) MGM. Not clear as to whether theses analyses were done in smaller subgroups of the study sample | ||
Epilepsy | Sign negative correlation between epilepsy burden and executive functioning, primarily due to AEDs use, not to epileptic seizures | Dijkstra [5] |
Sign impaired cognitive functioning also in pts who did not use AEDs (n = 66) compared with HC | ||
Comparable HRQoL in pts to that in HC | Waagemans [2] | |
HRQoL worse in pts with cognitive deficits and pts who use AEDs, irrespective of seizure control | ||
Mood | No sign correlation between anxiety and cognitive domains, negative correlation between depression and 6/7 cognitive domains prior to surgery (n = 60 out of 68) | Meskal [20] |
Negative correlation between anxiety and attention, negative correlation between depression, memory and attention following surgery (n = 52 out of 62) | ||
Sign improvement toward a positive mood from baseline (no data reported) up to 6 weeks after follow-up of FSRT | Steinvorth [27] | |
No correlations were investigated | ||
Quality of life | RTx+ pts lower HRQoL than RTx- pts | Van Nieuwenhuizen [8] |
No sign differences in HRQoL between RTx- pts and HC. After correction for duration of disease, no sign differences in HRQoL between both MGM groups | ||
No comparisons were made for HRQoL between RTx+ pts and HC | ||
No sign differences between pts and HC on 7/8 HRQoL scales | Waagemans [2] | |
Impaired executive functioning had a direct negative relationship with other cognitive domains (information processing, verbal memory, psychomotor speed, and attention), and an indirect negative relationship with HRQoL | ||
Other factors | IZM-SPECT images showed recovered binding potential of IZM following surgery | Koizumi [19] |
AEDs anti-epileptic drugs, FSRT fractioned stereotactic radiotherapy, HC healthy controls, HRQoL health-related quality of life, IZM-SPECT ¹³³I-iomazenil (IMZ) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. MGM meningioma, MMSE mini-mental state examination, Pts patients, RTx radiotherapy. Sign significant