Figure 4.
Il3 and Thpo signal through the Jak2 and/or Pi3k pathways. AGMs were cultured as explants in the absence or presence of Il3 or Thpo (50 ng/mL) and/or (A) Mapk inhibitor (U0126; 5 μM), (B) Jak2 inhibitor (TG101348; 3 μM), (G) Pi3k inhibitor (LY294002; 14 μM), or (L) Jak2 inhibitor + Pi3k inhibitor for 3 days and then plated in methylcellulose. Colonies were scored 7 days later. n = 3. Alternatively, (C,H,M) the percentage of ckit+CD45+ at the end of the culture was determined, and the percentage of (D,J) BrdU+ cells or (E,K) live, apoptotic, and dead cells within this population. (F,I,N) The total number of cells recovered at the end of the each explant culture was also counted. n = 3; **P < .01, *P < .05.