Table 6.
Average intra- and interspecific genetic distances (nt) for Lymnaea neotropica and L. viator
Groups analysed | ITS-2 | ITS-1 | 16S | cox1 |
L. neotropica vs L. viator | 15.15 (0.0354) | 57.90 (0.1163) | 8.56 (0.0202) | 35.20 (0.0554) |
L. neotropica | 1.60 (0.0040) | 0 (0) | 4.33 (0.0102) | 19.61 (0.031) |
L. viator | 1.39 (0.0035) | 0.87 (0.0017) | 4.31 (0.0102) | 7.53 (0.012) |
The number of base differences per site from averaging over all sequence pairs between and within groups are shown. Distances calculated using as substitution model total nucleotide differences (ts + tv) and p-distance (in parentheses) methods. Fewer than 5 % alignment gaps, missing data and ambiguous bases were allowed at any position (all positions with less than 95 % site coverage were eliminated)