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. 2016 May 27;4:54. doi: 10.1186/s40478-016-0323-6

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Correlation between gene expression and the differentially methylated CpG sites for genes showing ≥2 fold difference in expression between pilocytic and diffuse astrocytomas. a Correlation coefficients for differential CpG sites located within the promoter region. CpG sites that showed significant correlation with gene expression are highlighted (** p-value <0.01, * p-value <0.05). b Methylation status (beta values) for the pilocytic and diffuse astrocytomas for the promoter differential CpG site. c Correlation coefficients for differential CpG sites located within the gene body and intergenic regions that showed significant correlation with gene expression (p-value <0.05). Genes showing the greatest statistical significance are placed at the top. Correlation coefficients for corresponding promoter CpG sites, and the methylation status (Beta values) for the promoter CpG site and the differentially methylated CpG site are also shown. Pilocytic astrocytomas (n = 8, 4 supratentorial and 4 infratentorial tumours), Diffuse astrocytomas (n = 10). Error bars show the standard deviation for the average beta value for each tumour group