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. 2016 May 27;7:96. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2016.00096

Table 1.

Experimental variables in pedigree-based and genomic selection analyses for BCWD resistance.

Variable PED modela Progeny testingb ssGBLUP and wssGBLUPc BayesB and BayesCd
Training Validation Training Validation
Number of families 71 31 71 10 10 10
Offspring per family 39–80 38–122 39–80 2–11 39–80 2–11
Genotyped fish Nae Na 658 53 583 53
Phenotyped fish 4492 1913 4492 Na 583 Na
Pedigree records 4757 Na 4757 Na Na Na
Progeny tested breedersf Na 53 Na 53 Na 53

Pedigree-based model (PED) fit BCWD records from 2005 families.


The validation fish or potential breeders were mated to generate 31 progeny testing full-sib families.


The single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP) and weighted ssGBLUP (wssGBLUP) methods used in training models analysis all fish that had genotype and phenotype records and had any type of pedigree relationship (parents, full-sibs, half-sibs, etc.).


The Bayesian methods BayesB and BayesC used in training model analysis only those fish that had matched genotype and phenotype records without missing data.


Na indicates either non-available or non-needed data cell.


Progeny tested breeders are fish from 2005 families that were used as breeders to generate 2007 families.