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. 2016 Feb 20;37:197–211. doi: 10.1007/s10834-016-9483-6

Table 6.

Daily time devoted to ADLs and IADLs by gender of caregivers and type of care recipient (ATUS 2003–2012, minutes per day, for those who provided some ADLs and IADLs for children and adults)

Children Adults
Women Men Women Men
Lower bound (individuals 18 and over who engaged in any interactive child care and interactive adult care excluding for “helping a non-household adult”)
 ADLs 49 25 11 4
 IADLs 143 105 103 83
  Housework/laundrya 25 8 24 11
  Meal preparationb 24 12 23 10
  Shoppingc 13 11 13 11
  Travel 21 22 21 26
  Managementd 11 11 11 16
  Getting around outside 5 5 3 4
  Taking medicatione 3 2 8 7
  Developmental care (for children)f 41 34 n.a. n.a.
 Total of ADLs and IADLs 192 130 114 87
Middle bound (individuals 18 and over who engaged in any interactive child care and interactive adult care)
 ADLs 44 23 6 2
 IADLs 140 99 93 71
  Housework/laundrya 23 7 19 8
  Meal preparationb 21 10 18 8
  Shoppingc 16 10 15 9
  Travel 20 20 27 30
  Managementd 11 10 8 10
  Getting around outside 7 6 2 3
  Taking medicatione 3 2 5 4
  Developmental care (for children)f 39 34 n.a. n.a.
 Total of ADLs and IADLs 184 122 99 74
Upper bound (individuals 18 and over who engaged in any child care (interactive and supervisory) and interactive adult care)
 ADLs 38 17 7 2
 IADLs 125 80 96 74
  Housework/laundrya 21 6 19 7
  Meal preparationb 19 9 18 7
  Shoppingc 15 10 16 10
  Travel 17 15 28 32
  Managementd 9 7 9 11
  Getting around outside 7 5 2 3
  Taking medicatione 3 2 5 3
  Developmental care (for children)f 33 26 n.a. n.a.
 Total of ADLs and IADLs 163 97 103 76

a,b,cActivities in IADLs are calculated by those activities done for adults and children separately (calculated per capita and multiplied by the number of household adults (except for self) for IADLs for adults and calculated per capita and multiplied by the number of household children for IADLs for children)

dManagement for adults is specific to financial management, while management for children includes activities like managing events for children

eTaking medication for children are calculated by care activities related to children’s health

fDevelopmental care is specific to children