Figure A3.
Mesopic visual fields for size III & V targets. The horizontal axis corresponds to eccentricity and the vertical to sensitivity in decibels (adjusted for crystalline lens absorption). (A) Sensitivity along a superonasal to inferotemporal axis for size III targets; (B) along a superotemporal to inferonasal axis for size III targets; (C) along a superonasal to inferotemporal axis for size V targets; and (D) along a superotemporal to inferonasal axis for size V targets. Locations refer to the visual field. Sensitivity for different targets is color-coded; 410 nm, violet; 440 nm, blue; 480 nm, blue-green; 520 nm, green; 560 nm, yellow-green; 600 nm, orange; 640 nm, orange-red; 680 nm, red. Means are plotted as filled circles with standard errors as bars (N = 3).