Fig. 3.
Rapamycin effects on ribosomal protein genes (RPGs) in colon of eRapa-fed mice. (a) Unfiltered heat maps comparing mRNA levels in mice fed 0 or 42 ppm diets. The arrow labeled 1 shows rpS6, arrow 2 indicates the upregulation of rpl22l1 and rpl22, all of which we discuss in the text. We interpret these data to indicate a trend toward overall upregulation of these mRNAs. Asterisks indicate canonical pathway genes identified by IPA analysis and are discussed in the text. Visualized data are baselined to the median and log 2 transformed. From 0 to −0.5 would be a 1.5-fold change. (b) and (c) Graphs showing qRT-PCR results normalized to (actin) of Rpl22l1 and Rpl22, respectively.