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. 2016 May 31;7:553. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00553

Table 3.

In vivo studies using probiotics to reduce Campylobacter colonization in broilers.

Study Probiotic administration C. jejuni contamination C. jejuni enumeration
Strain Dose Route Period Type Chicken age or period Strain (origin) Dose Organ Chicken age Results*
Netherwood et al., 1999 E. faecium NCIMB 11508 transformed with plasmid pVACMC1 containing the Ruminococcus flavefaciens b-1,4-glucanase gene 1.106 CFU/chick Per os From day of hatching to day 28 Natural Crops, duodena, ceca 14, 28, 30, 33, and 35 days No reduction
Fritts et al., 2000 Calsporin® (B. subtilis C-3102) NI Diet From day of hatching to day 42 Natural Processed carcasses 42 days 0.2 log reduction
Line et al., 2008 Lb. salivarius NRRL B-30514
Paenibacillus polymyxa NRRL B-30509
2.108 CFU/chick Per os From day of hatching to day 4 twice daily Artificial From day of hatching to day 10 NI 1.103, 1.104 or 1.105 CFU/chick Ceca 7 days No reduction
Santini et al., 2010 Bf. longum PCB133 1.108 CFU/chick Per os From day of hatching to day 14 Natural Feces 15 days 1 log reduction
Neal-McKinney et al., 2012 Lb. crispatus JCM5810 1.108 CFU/chick Per os 4 days Artificial 14 days F38011 (human) 1.108 CFU/chick Ceca 21 days 2 log reduction
Robyn et al., 2013 E. faecalis MB5259 1.104 or 1.108 CFU/chick Per os NI Artificial 15 days MB 4185 (chicken) 2.104 CFU/chick Ceca 21 days No reduction
Nishiyama et al., 2014 Lb. gasseri SBT2055 1.108 CFU/chick Per os From day of hatching to day 15 Artificial 1 day 81–176 (human) 1.106 CFU/chick Ceca 15 days 2 log reduction
Arsi et al., 2015a Bacillus spp. NI Intracloacal or per os Day of hatching Artificial 7 days Four-strain mixture 1.106 CFU/chick Ceca 14 days 1–3 log reduction (intracloacal) No reduction (per os)
Arsi et al., 2015b Bacillus spp. Lb. salivarius subsp. salivarius Lb. salivarius subsp. salicinius 2.106 CFU/chick Per os Day of hatching Artificial 7 days Four-strain mixture 1.106 CFU/chick Ceca 14 days 1–3 log reduction
Nishiyama et al., 2015 Lb. gasseri SBT2055 1.108 CFU/chick Per os From day of hatching to day 15 Artificial 1 day 81–176 (human) 1.106 CFU/chick Ceca 15 days 1–2 log reduction
Gracia et al., 2016 B. subtilis DSM17299 0.05% (w/w) Diet From day of hatching to day 42 Artificial 14 days Isolate from ST45 complex (chicken) 1.104 CFU/chick Ceca 21, 35 and 42 days No reduction
Guyard-Nicodème et al., 2016 Calsporin® Ecobiol® (B. amyloliquefaciens) 0.01% (w/w) 0.1% (w/w) Diet From day of hatching to day 42 Artificial 11 days C97ANSES640 (chicken) 1.104 CFU/chick Ceca 14, 35 and 42 days 1.7 log reduction at 42 days (Calsporin®) No reduction (Ecobiol®)
Aho et al., 1992 K-bacteria (microaerophilic adaptive-mucus bacteria) + Broilact® (facultative anaerobic bacteria) NI Water From day of hatching to day 38 Artificial 4 days T23/42 (chicken) 1.104 CFU/chick Ceca 38 days 1.5–2 log reduction
Schoeni and Wong, 1994 Citrobacter diversus 22 + Klebsiella pneumonia 23 + Escherichia coli 25 + mannose 1.108 CFU/chick Per os Days 1 and 3 Artificial 1 day 108 (chicken) 1.108 CFU/chick Ceca 7 days 62% reduction in the colonization rate
Morishita et al., 1997 Avian PAC Soluble®; (Lb. acidophilus + Streptococcus faecium) 400 mg/L Water From day of hatching to day 3 Artificial 1 day C101 (chicken) 1.104 CFU/chick Cloacal swabs 39 days 70% reduction in prevalence
Willis and Reid, 2008 Starter diet (Lb. acidophilus + Lb. casei + Bf. thermophilus + E. faecium) 1.108 CFU/kg of feed Diet From day of hatching to day 42 Natural Cloacal swabs 42 days 10% reduction in prevalence
Baffoni et al., 2012 Microencapsulated Bf. longum PCB133 + oligosaccharides 1.109 CFU/chick + 3% of galactooligosaccharide (w/w) Diet From day of hatching to day 14 Natural Feces 15 days 0.5 log reduction
Ghareeb et al., 2012 PoultryStar sol® (E. faecium + P. acidilactici + Bf. animalis + Lb. salivarius + Lb. reuteri) 2 or 20 mg Water From day of hatching to day 14 Artificial 1 day 3015/2010 (chicken) 1.104 CFU/chick Ceca 15 days 3.7–5.5 log reduction
Aguiar et al., 2013 Three B. subtilis sp. mixture 2.106 CFU/chick Per os Day of hatching Artificial 7 days Four-strain mixture (chicken) 1.105 CFU/chick Ceca 14 days 1–4 log reduction
Cean et al., 2015 Lb. paracasei J.R + Lb. rhamnosus 15b + Lb. lactis Y + Lb. lactis FOa NI Water From day of hatching to day 42 Natural Duodena, ceca, feces 42 days 5 log reduction (duodena and ceca)
Guyard-Nicodème et al., 2016 PoultryStar ME® 0.1% (w/w) Diet From day of hatching to day 42 Artificial 11 days C97ANSES640 (chicken) 1.104 CFU/chick Ceca 14, 35 and 42 days 0.5 log reduction at 14 days and 1.9 log reduction at 35 days

Only results with statistical reduction are presented.

E, Enterococcus; B, Bacillus; Lb, Lactobacillus; Bf, Bifidobacterium; P, Pediococcus; NI, not indicated; Calsporin® is produced by Calpis (Tokyo, Japan); Broilact® is produced by Nimrod Veterinary Products (Gloucester, UK); PoultryStar sol® and PoultryStar ME® are produced by BIOMIN (Holding GmbH, Getzersdorf, Austria); Avian PAC Soluble® is produced by Pacific Agri-Sales (Visalia, CA, USA); Ecobiol® is produced by Norel Animal Nutrition (Madrid, Spain).

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